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DA Rates will be increase 5 % from July 2019

DA Rates will be increase 5 % from July 2019 Increase in DA will be not less than 5% - CPI suggests - GConnect DA from July 2019 – All India Consumer Price Index suggests that increase in DA for Central Government Employees from July 2019 “Hike in DA is much anticipated news among Central government employees and pensioners with due from July 2019.” The Dearness Allowance (DA) for the Central Government employees is set to increase from 12 percent to 17 percent from July 2019 now everyone's focus will be on expected DA from July 2019 as it ... expected DA from July will hit 5% hike level if remaining months Expected Dearness Allowance from July 2019 for Central Government ... to 17% with the hike of 5% from July to December 2019. Read Original News :  Click here  
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